Ministries >

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    WORSHIP                                                   CHRISTIAN EDUCATION

  1. Altar Guild                                                    1. Children’s Sunday Church School
  2. Worship Assistants                                    2. Adult Bible Study                                  
  3. Greeters/Ushers                                         3. First Communion Ministry
  4. Vestry                                                            4. Confirmation 
  5. Chancel Choir                                             5. Youth Ministry


    COMMUNITY OUTREACH                        EVANGELISM

  1. Social Justice Ministry                              1. Prayer Ministry
  2. Harvest & Community Food Bank        2. Counseling Ministry
  3. E.L.C.A. Hunger Fund Ministry               3. Fellowship Ministry
  4. Boy Scouts Ministry                                   4. Reconciling Works Ministry
  5. Alcoholic Anonymous Ministry              5. Transportation Ministry
  6. I-SMILE (Autism Support Program)      6. Discretionary Fund Ministry
  7. “We Care” Team                                          7. The “Welcome” Team                 
  8. Visitation Ministry

    LEADERSHIP                                               EDUCATION

  1. Property Work Team                                  1. Grace Early Learning Center             
  2. Music Leadership Team                            2. Grace VBK Program
  3. Church Council                                            3. After-school Program